Step 1: Certificates

You will find the certificates by going through [Certificates, Identifiers and Profiles] > [Certificates]

Creating a development certificate

Development certificates are used to sign your application for debugging purposes. You usually have one development certificate per developer. This certificate will be used for every application associated with your Team.

To create a Development Certificate click on [+], select 'iOS App Development' and follow through the indications. Once done, download and open the certificate you have just generated to add it to your keychain.

Creating a release certificate

Release Certificates are used to sign your application for deployment. You usually need one and only one release certificate for your entire team and for every application associated with your Team.

To create a Release Certificate click on [+], select 'In-House and Ad Hoc' if you are using an Enterprise account and 'App Store and Ad Hoc' otherwise. Then, follow through the indications. Once done, download and open the certificate you have just generated to add it to your keychain.